- ウイルスのアウトブレイク後、現在の世界的パンデミックとヒーリングの可能性
- ウイルスの感染源になりうるタイプと感染してしまいやすいタイプ
- ヒーリング中に気づいたコロナウイルスとインフルエンザウイルスの大きな違い
- なぜアストラルの存在が問題なのか、対策はどうすればいいのか
- 外界からの生命エネルギーの流入を拒否し遮断してしまうアストラルのエネルギー
- 再発を防ぐにはウイルス浄化とアストラル除去のプロセスが必要
- 初期症状の段階での対応が人体における水際対策となる
- コロナウィルスを浄化し免疫抵抗力を上げ健康になるヒーリングの仕方と地球の浄化のための集団瞑想の仕方 / How You Can Be Your Own Healer to Purify Coronavirus by Improving Immune System and How to Meditate to Purify the World
- (3/3追記あり)ウィルスに感染しないための予防や食事法、そして心の在り方について
- コロナウイルス初期症状へのヒーリング対処とその後の免疫抵抗力の向上/The Initial Symptoms of Coronavirus and How Healing can Improve Immune System
- 新型ウイルスのアウトブレイクとパンデミックの中で人間はどうすればいいのか、世界はどんな変化を辿るのか:山本美穂子特別公開スピリチュアルゼミナール要約
- 追記あり◆マスク・手洗い・うがい以外にコロナウイルスの感染予防のため私が取っている対策
- The Current Global Pandemic, and Possibility of Healing After Outbreak
- Who Can Be More Likely a Source of Infection, or a Patient?
- Feeling Insecure due to High Infectivity and Asymptomatic Infection?
- Who Can be Source of Infection or Spreader, Based on Energetic Hypothesis?
- Which One among 5 Characters Tends to be a Super-Spreader?
- Patterns based on Wounds and Boundary-related Problems: Who Tends to Invade, or to be Invaded?
- Prevention for Both of Spreader and Susceptible Patient Based on Energetic Hypothesis
- The Significant Difference in Healing between COVID-19 and Flu
- What is the Problem with Astral? What is the Solution?
キャラクトロジー心理学では、人の感情的反応を5つのタイプに分類し、その感情的反応からの行動が人生における出来事や不運な状況、また病気などを引き起こしているとしています。 詳しくはこちら
今すぐ自分のキャラクトロジーの分類タイプを知りたい方はこちら→ キャラクトロジー無料診断
自分のバウンダリーはどちらのタイプか知りたい方はこちら→ バウンダリータイプ無料診断
リジット ・・たとえ罹っても「いや、私は大丈夫」と頑張ろうとするが、エネルギー的に時々他者に鋭いエネルギーを送ることがあるので、家族など身近な人に局地的にうつす可能性。また、万が一罹ったら人に迷惑をかけず家でじっとしているので、拡散することはない。
HIT認定ヒーラー一覧は こちら
The Difference between a Healing for COVID-19 and Flu, and the Different Characteristics Between People to be a Source of Infection, and to Be infected
To begin with, I have given an energy healing on many patients who had flu. At this time, I have given a healing on patients who were suspected to possess COVID-19 virus with its initial symptoms. As I continue to give a healing, I have noticed a very interesting difference between flu and COVID-19.
Secondly, I found the characteristics of individuals who is likely to get infected and who is likely to give infection to others, based on “Charactorogy Psychology.” I imagine that many of you are nervous in such situation that it is difficult to take PCR and it is not enough accurate, which makes you wonder if you are the carrier of the virus, or if you could infect other people even without knowing. That being said, this should not be only about the airborne droplet in terms of the cause of infection, but it also should be about an energetic cause. In other word, the boundaries among people have something to do with the infection.
The Current Global Pandemic, and Possibility of Healing After Outbreak
The Global Situation under Thread of COVID-19 as of March 25, 2020
COVID-19 has become a global pandemic. More and more countries locked down their countries, and this also affects our economies badly.
Nobody really knows when this will end, but I think everyone is trying to overcome this chaotic situation with the wisdom each of us has.
Although the top scientists are working hard to investigate the virus now, and we now have cutting-edge medical technology, it is still not clear when and how this will be finally over. This is just a simple fact that we do not even have the vaccine or effective medicine for it.
In What Way We can Look at This Current Worst Senario
In my life, I have gone through many struggles that I felt like there is no exit out of the situation. I almost felt like I was in the Dark Ages at the moment. However, I always believed in the possibility that there must be one way out at very least and had myself go forward even when I almost gave up after trying all the solutions I could have thought of.
I know we all are in the serious struggle of the contagion that could leave its name in the history. Yet still, I would like to discuss the one possible exit out of this situation because I have noticed a couple of facts regarding the symptoms and patterns of this virus as I gave a healing more than 25,000 times on clients, including patients with initial symptoms of COVID-19.
Who Can Be More Likely a Source of Infection, or a Patient?
Feeling Insecure due to High Infectivity and Asymptomatic Infection?
The COVID-19 is a very strong virus to infect people as many of the research already showed. Regardless of the high infectivity, it causes a death in a week in some cases, and it, on the other hand, does not show its symptoms even if you are diagnosed positive to the COVID-19 by taking PCR in other cases. This result may make you feel nervous because you will never know if you are actually infected or not, and if you are infected, you will still not know if it will show its symptoms ever. This also makes you feel very insecure since you are concerned that you could be a carrier to infect other people without knowing you have the virus.
However, more importantly, the fact that staying insecure and nervous for a long time will harm your health regardless of any deseases and infections.
Who Can be Source of Infection or Spreader, Based on Energetic Hypothesis?
Putting aside COVID-19 for a moment, when I was teaching my student healers how to give a healing on Flu, a discussion started that Masochistic and Psychopathic type of people in Charactorogy Psychology tend to infect the virus to other people.
For instance, a boss at work had Flu one time, and other people around him got Flu at once right after him. But, at the time when everyone else was sick, he got better very quickly and was fine again. Also, another person told me that her dad used to give his cold to other family members, and he got better soon after her mom and her grandma were sick.
In both cases, the spreaders had the Masochistic and Psychopathic characteristics.
Apparently, the Masochistic Psychopath tend to get infected easily and infect other people as well, considering they have patterns in the use of their energetic boundaries to invade other people’s space, and also to be invaded easily.
Thus, the infection does not simply happen only because of the physical causes, such as droplet or contact, but also because of energetic boundaries.
Which One among 5 Characters Tends to be a Super-Spreader?
In Charactorogy Psychology, it categorize human emotional reactions into 5 groups. It is thought that these emotional reactions cause any events or deseases in our reality.
Not only their appearance, these 5 categories specifies how they non-verbally communicate energetically with other people, and human characteristics are categorized based on what kind of fear they have.
From 0 to 5 or 6 years old, a person creates his/her own energetic reaction patterns based on the first experience he/she has. In this range of ages, it can be roughly categorized into two: the one which has a wound before acquiring a language; and the one which has a wound when they are enough mature to explore outer world and try to use as much language as they acquired.
The former, whose wound is more likely related to the one without a language, does not have a tool to talk, so it is mainly about receiving.
Moreover, this type of people absorb pretty much everything from outer world without considering what it is, and their ability to output is not as much as receiving.
The latter, whose wound is related to the ones after language acquisition, are at the level to try to express what it feels like inside, and find their own way to do so.
In the same way, which type of wound you have between the former and the latter can also be categorized between “a person who is likely to be invaded energetically” and “a person who is likely to invade energetically.”
In other word, seeing our characteristics in the current situation from perspective of energetic defensive reactions, you can directly reflect yourself into one of these patterns between a person who tends to get the virus from outside, or a person who tends to bring the virus outside.
Prevention for Both of Spreader and Susceptible Patient Based on Energetic Hypothesis
Earlier, I discussed the Masochistic and Psychopathic type of people can easily infect the virus to others, but let me quickly go through other characters also.
The first thing I would like to tell you is that it is better to know your own energetic patterns, rather than react emotionally to doubt like “what if I give the virus to others” or “what if I get the virus from somebody...” because people are afraid of something unknown.
This is just a hypothesis based on the energy patterns, but my intention is very clear that each of us strengthen our own boundaries consciously, reduce the risk of infection, and connect to the relief and safety.
Those who have a wound from the age of 0 to 3 years old, that is, the wound without a language, does not have too much power so that they should not have the power to infect other people.
Schizoid ... Their boundaries are as thin as Shoji paper (the paper used for the Japanese paper door), so that they tend to get infected at the beginning of the outbreak, but they hardly infect other people considering their way of using energy.
Oral... They are not as strong so that they tend to be infected, but almost never infect others. They might infect other people if they are weaker.
From 2 to 3 years old, and up to 5 or 6 years old, their wound is related to exploring the outer world and using language. They tend to invade energetically.
Masochist... They do not have an idea of a boundary, so they absorb anything energetically
Oral-Psychopath... If they ever infect others, it is to not many people, but specific one person
Masochist-Psychopath... They can be a “Super-spreader” as mentioned earlier
Psychopath... They infect as well as getting infected.
Rigid... They will try to resist and still try to be as always even if infected, but they sometimes send the very sharp energy to other people. So, it may cause an infection to people close to them, such as their family members. Yet, they will stay alone if infected, so the virus will never spread.
The Significant Difference in Healing between COVID-19 and Flu
The Characteristics of Flu Virus Seen in Healing
There are more clients who have Flu in winter as I give healing on many people every month.
Speaking of virus, one of the most familiar and common virus we know is the Flu virus. When I perceive it during the healing, it is very sticky over all, so it is difficult to wipe them all off in one session.
Usually, I give a healing at night, so the fever is gone in the next morning. Then, I give another healing in the evening when fever is back again so that it finally gets better in the next morning.
The Characteristics of COVID-19 Seen in Healing
Unlike clients who have long-lasting cold which is usually seen in March, the virus causing the symptoms was very fragile and easy to be dissolved not like Flu virus. This caught my eye. What I found in the each healing session was different from what I used to observe in the flu cases in the past years.
I feel the virus tingling and blinking when I touched it during the healing on my hands. Other healers felt the same, too.
As I purify it, this sensation of tingling and blinking was gradually gone. What makes it so special is the astral energy on where there is the virus.
The Specific Energy That Comes with COVID-19 : What is Astral?
The astral energy is the invisible existence in the astral realm (realm where there is no structure). For example, it is said that there are millions of Gods and monsters in Japan, and there are angels and devils/demons in Eastern Europe. There are innumerable astral in any frequency from the high to low.
There seems to be a lot of people who can access or perceive these astral existence, but I think not many people can tell whether they are the existence in high or low frequency.
The astral that comes with Coronavirus is definitely in the very low frequency.
I have almost never seen a client who possesses the astral in this low frequency in their organs expect for the clients who were cursed with the straw dall or black magic.
That client I had in the past was suffering from cancers in the entire body, with astral possessed in each organ in extremely low frequency. This client was given a month to live at the time.
This client kept taking a healing regularly, and is still alive. She is so active that she can even go to work. Yet, it is really unusual to possess astrals in that low frequency.
What is the Problem with Astral? What is the Solution?
An astral energy rejects and blocks living energy from outside
The living energy from outside cannot penetrate into any location which has the astral energy in low frequency. This makes organs inactive when it possesses the astral energy, and so, it makes the condition even worse.
The trained healers can take out those astral from organs. (In case of COVID-19, the astral can be seen in places where it is blinking and sticky.)
It is very rare as mentioned earlier that the astral is seen in organs. It cannot be seen normally, but can be seen only in cases: you live in extremely bad location; you have something to do with black magic or shamanic initiation in a negative way; or you are cursed.
Purification of Virus and Elimination of Astral are Keys to Avoid Reoccurrence
In the healing for virus I have given so far, I have seen many clients who possess thin astral in brain and lungs. All the clients who took the healing, which is to purify the virus and astral, recovered in the very next day.
However, there are some cases reported that the recovered patients got the virus/symptoms again and got even worse than their first time. I expect that this reoccurrence would happen when astral still remains even if the virus is gone. Yet, I am still not sure why the coronavirus and astral come together.
It is said that COVID-19 could be an artificial virus. It is also true that I feel this is something artificial since astral penetrates into our human body which never occurs because normally, our life force is much stronger.
The Earlier Your Move is, the Easier You Get Recovered
I believe that taking a healing can affect well on the symptoms up to a certain level. I have not given a healing to a patient who has severe symptoms of COVID-19, so I do not know if it is as effective as it is to ones who have lighter symptoms. Even if it is so, I still believe that taking a healing in the early stage is very helpful especially when you have a headache for a few days, or you are coughing and it does not get any better. More to say, you should doubt your condition as COVID-19 if you feel dull, run out of breath, are hard to breath, or feel unmotivated (means not enough air is supplied to brain).
I have established a healing particularly for COVID-19, so I recommend you to take a healing if you are interested.
You can take the healing specifically arranged for the coronavirus by following healers in English: