
コロナウイルス初期症状へのヒーリング対処とその後の免疫抵抗力の向上/The Initial Symptoms of Coronavirus and How Healing can Improve Immune System

(Click here to read in English)






























  • 内臓(肺、心臓、気管支)の再構築のためのヒーリング
  • ハートチャクラの再構築のためのヒーリング
  • カラーヒーリング(ブルーライト、ラベンダー色、プラチナシルバー色)


















とにかく動けない、食べられない状態だったのが、ヒーリングを受けた翌朝、「あれ? 頭の痛いのが和らいだし体が随分楽になった」と感じ、「お味噌汁が食べたいな」と思い、自分でお味噌汁を作ろうとベッドから起き上がることができました。





ヒーリングって凄い! と心底感じた体験でした。















HIT認定ヒーラーは こちら


コロナウィルスを浄化し免疫抵抗力を上げ健康になるヒーリングの仕方と地球の浄化のための集団瞑想の仕方 / How You Can Be Your Own Healer to Purify Coronavirus by Improving Immune System and How to Meditate to Purify the World




コロナウィルスに対するヒーリングとインフルエンザウイルスへのヒーリングの違い、感染源になりうる人と感染しやすい人の違い/The Difference between a Healing for COVID-19 and Flu, and the Different Characteristics Between People to be a Source of Infection, and to Be infected











The Initial Symptoms of Coronavirus and How Healing can Improve Immune System

Now, an invisible tiny virus, which does not even have a single cell, spreads and powerfully affecting the human nature; that is, coronavirus.

It is on news everyday and everyone knows that it is spreading in a rapid pace, but who knows how it works and what you can actually do to this unknown virus?

I am sure that I am not the only one who wondered what it is, and what we can do to prevent, or treat ourselves when infected.

As an energy healer, I had been looking for any possible patients who are suspected to be infected by coronavirus so that I would have a chance to prove my hypothesis based on the research I had from anatomical perspective.

Luckily, I reached out to 2 of my clients who were potentially suspected to be infected by coronavirus. 

Thanks to them, now I know its major initial symptoms, and how to approach it by giving an energy healing.

So, now, let’s start our discussion with the symptoms.


What Will Happen If Infected by Coronavirus?

It begins with a headache.

You may feel the headache either outside of your cranium, or inside.

Its severeness differs by person, from the very light pain up to the very serious pain.

Yet, it seems like having a headache to be a common symptom in the very early stage.

Gradually, you will be feeling listless.

Then, the throat starts to have a pain due to the invading virus.

You may feel feverish, or your nose may start running, but those symptoms do not appear in common to all the patients.


What Makes Coronavirus so Different from “Normal” Pneumonia?

Regularly speaking, inflammation starts in lining of alveoli in the normal pneumonia.

On the other hand, in coronavirus infection, alveolar membrane become hard.

In other word, this phenomenon is called “interstitial pneumonia.”

Because of the hardened membrane, in difference from the normal pneumonia, it becomes more difficult for oxygen to be saturated into blood.

In the end, it will possibly cause a RD (respiratory distress).

This also have a potential risk for elderly people or people who have heart issues to make the breathing even severer since less circulation could result in fluid retention in lungs.


What Should I Do When Infected?

Earlier is better.

There seems to be some cases the cough got worse after the initial symptoms, or the symptoms turned into the ones typical for pneumonia.

If you feel listless, or if you feel you have a cold without knowing if it is coronavirus or not, take a healing that is specifically arranged for the coronavirus.

After taking the healing, you will be surprised how much lighter you can feel your body, and you will also notice headache and the listlessness will be taken away!


What exactly Are You Doing When Giving a Healing?

As I mentioned in the beginning, I have given my healing to some of my clientes who were suspected to have coronavirus with the initial symptoms.

It is unfortunate that I have not reached out to the patients who have severe symptoms of coronavirus so that I do not know how much this is effective on the significant cases.

But, here is what I do when I give a healing on people with this specific virus:

  • a healing to restructure organs/systems (lungs, heart, and bronchial tubes)
  • a healing to restructure heart chakra
  • a healing to fill with colors (blue-light, lavender, and platinum silver)


How Does It Feel after Taking Healing?

I understand you are curious about how it works and how you can feel different after taking an energy healing.

You cannot see it, but it surely works.

Client A:

Symptoms 5days ago

running nose, listless due to a fever

Took some pills for 2days. Nose stopped running, but it is still stuffed in the back. Fever is gone, but I still have a listlessness.

After taking a healing

Stuffed nose was cleared. My brain is clear. No listlessness.

I can feel that my body is getting lighter and ligher.

Client B:

Thank you, Miho!

For now, I can’t believe there is no more tingling in my throat (it feels like the itchy tissue in my throat was pealed), and I am not coughing any more!

Not only that, I can now move around a lot, feeling very energized. I became so productive.

As I feel this way, I can recall the fact that I had listless before the healing because my body is lighter now.

From early March, I was coughing, my nose was running, and had phlegm.

It was getting better, but nose is ok now after taking your healing.

Client C:

The symptoms I had was the followings;

swollen eyes, severe listlessness, headache, no appetite, diarrhea, vomiting.

I did not have a fever or a cough as it is said to be typical symptoms for pneumonia.

I was never this much ill before, although it only appeared as a heavy cold without fever or a cough as reported on news.

Before taking a healing, I was not able to move/eat at all. However, in the next morning I took a healing, I literally felt like, “well, the headache is much lighter, and my body feels better now.” I even felt like having some Miso soup. I was finally able to get up from my bed to make some Miso soup by myself.

But again, I asked for a healing for the second time because I felt a different type of pain in my head, and my throat started to sore.

In the very next day of the second healing, I could wake up in the morning to start the day as usual. I would say I was as normal as 80% of my daily life.

It was very comforting for me, who was lying on the bed while receiving a healing, to hear a healer besides me online when I was anxious and worried, thinking “what if I die to this...” I am sure that it was also helpful for my feeling in such a situation that I was not able to stay positive.

Thank you so much!

To me, it was such an experience to realize how amazing the healing is!



In the reality, not only in Japan, but also in many countries, this virus is affecting the world in many ways, and societies are about to adjust to this circumstance.

Then, is it really the most important to not get infected?

The answer is No.

What is the most important here now is to get infected lightly, and acquire immunity, rather than be afraid of infection.

If many have immunity, there is nothing to be afraid of.


Get coronavirus. Get better soon.


To follow this logic, I do not recommend you to run into a hospitals.

Instead, take a healing.


You can take the healing specifically arranged for the coronavirus by following healers in English:



Healers are not the doctors. They are not allowed to diagnose, but they can improve your immune system.


Let’s get through this together.


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